My Girlfriends:
~ I have a a small handful of close girlfriends. And two of them include my sisters! I also have two soul sisters. One whom I've been friends with since I was thirteen and another whom I'm been friends with since I was twenty. Now that I am older, I consider my mom a good friend, too. And my step mother is another girlfriend I've been blessed with. I am very, very thankful for these close women in my life.
The Kids In My Life:
~ I have a niece and nephews! But I'm also an aunty figure to my friends kids, and the cousins kids! I always admire the children in the group and I tend to gravitate toward them in social settings. I sort of act like a governess by keeping them all involved/entertained while casually monitoring their safety amongst each other. I do have a favourite (only) niece lol... I'm her godmother so we have a special bond. But she's kinda my best friend too! She's ten already. I am very thankful to be a part of her life. And I'm grateful for my nephews, and the kids connected through my extended family. They keep me grounded.
The Opportunity To Work Overtime:
~ I have a great job and one of the best things is the fact that there's often overtime available. Receiving extra money is a blessing. I spend about four hours a few nights a week processing stacks of paperwork and I get paid by the file. So when I have lots to do and I get into a good rhythm I can make a decent amount of extra cash. It helps pay for my hobbies. And it helps keep this blog running. So when you wonder what's going on if I don't post anything new for a while. Just know I'm working hard at my regular job taking care of business.
So here we are again. Just you and me and this positive moment. Let's keep it going. What are you thankful for? Comment with your reasons and share this post with your friends on social media! Thank You! :)
~ Namaste ~