May 14, 2014

Settling into My Space

I have spent the last week or so updating, editing and basically giving my blog a face lift. Though I really like the quilt background, so that stays! I don't have much to talk about today I just wanted to share this awesome news! I accidentally signed up for a blog with another host, immediately learned they were lying about being free... WTF!? So, I temporarily set my blogger site to revert to the .com. It's all very techy and I hope once my other account goes dormant I can bring the .com over to blogger permanently. You still have to add the blogspot tail to get here.

I've got lots of time to figure this out. I'm just happy that I've been working so diligently to customize this experience for all of us.

I am finally getting comfortable with my virtual space. It's taken me a long time to truly own it! For the last few years, I've been trying to figure out a title, theme, purpose; while dreaming about a natural brand I plan to create and somehow fit into it all; and I haven't much of a day to day life to share on-line... So, yes most of my posts for the next while will likely be me ranting. But hey, it's exactly what I need.

I've finally got lots of pictures up! I think I am satisfied with the layout... for now, lol. I just need to start doing and recording so I can write and upload pictures to share.

We're on our way baby! Sign up to follow me on this journey. Check out my Pages, lists, pictures and all the Goodness I have spent so much time on working, arranging and designing. Let's not let my Obsessive Compulsiveness go to waste! :)


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